In the spirit of the following the World Wide Leader's run at awarding their major markets a hall of fame (i.e. LA, Boston and the know the markets ESPN has a rooting interest in!) I decided to go ahead and fire one off for the city of Cleveland. Let me make this clear. This is for Cleveland's sports franchises, so don't be bringing me any of that Elliot Ness or Moses Cleaveland shit!
ANYWAY, before I get started, I know last year I did a post for Cleveland's top pro-athletes ever. This list will be different because it could include coaches, owners, as well as focusing on what these people did while they were involved with Cleveland franchises. If you think I missed someone, feel free to comment away kids!
One last note. If you are expecting a hall of fame class with the same type of glitz and glamour as Los Angeles, then you sir are shit out of luck. You want botox and yoga? Go to fucking ESPN. We are a beer and shots kind of town. Corned beef and perogies. Tuesday nights at a shady strip club that let's you eat Taco Bell while getting a lap dance. This is our town!
In no particular order, here is the Kid Cleveland list for the initial Hall of Fame class in no particular order: